Besties: Our story
Hi, We are the owners of Main Street Coffee Co, LLC. We have been best friends for almost 10 years. We met when our kids were in school together and quickly became "besties". How did we become coffee shop owners?
Well, Danica has always loved baking and being around people. She dreamed of owning a bakery. Her job as a teacher and bus driver was the joy of her day but she felt God calling her to a different path. While doing some missions work, she met the previous owner and was intrigued to know more about the business. After months of conversations the previous owner asked if she wanted to purchase the company. So, she knew she had to make a phone call to her Bestie!
Kandice had worked for many years at Hattiesburg Clinic and had been praying for a change. The phone call made to her on that day was the answer to her prayers. Danica and Kandice had joking dreamed of owning a business together for years. With one phone call and lots of paperwork, their dreams came true.
We loved Main Street Coffee and knew we could grow the business. We also knew how God blessed us and answered our prayers, so we glorify him in all aspects of our shop. From the bible verses on our java jackets to the music playing in our shop our biggest hope is that through that simple cup of amazing coffee you will know the love of Jesus Christ.